Monday, October 11, 2021

                HAPPY BIRTHDAY DUTCH!

                          October 11, 1925 

     Happy Birthday to Elmore Leonard, the Master of Crime Fiction! 

Thoughts of his connected Universe of Characters have been running through my thoughts today and have been making me grin. Elmore's characters even his bad guys make you smile, there is something amusing about them or at least amusing interactions with the your Heroes of the story. You don't get a lot of that with a lot of writers. 

I wanted to also address the podcast unfortunately got put on  a hold due to some Health Issues I have been having. I am doing okay, but I had to make a job change to help with the health issues. So this put the podcast on the back burner unfortunately. This will get back on track soon I promise. See everyone soon! 

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                HAPPY BIRTHDAY DUTCH!                           October 11, 1925        Happy Birthday to Elmore Leonard, the Master of Crim...